10th Annual Weight Stigma Conference

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Keynotes 2024


Dr Lily O’Hara

Dr Lily O’Hara is an Associate Professor of Public Health at Qatar University. Her research focuses on analyzing oppressive public health approaches to body weight and their inequitable impact on people with larger bodies, and developing ethical, evidence-based, salutogenic public health initiatives for body liberation using social justice oriented approaches. Lily’s research also focuses on developing the critical health promotion competencies of the community, workforce, and institutions. Lily has over 25 years’ experience as a public health and health promotion academic and practitioner in Australia, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar and has worked on community, workplace, university, and school-based programs addressing a broad range of health and wellbeing issues. She has over 150 publications and presentations and is the co-author of the book Promoting Health: The Primary Health Care Approach. She is the co-author of the Red Lotus Critical Health Promotion Model and the Quality Assessment Tool for Critical Health Promotion Practice (QATCHEPP). Her advocacy qualifications include a life lived as a fat woman and the mother of three offspring. Lily currently lives in Qatar with a variety of fresh water fish and a lot of plants.


Dr Caleb Luna

Caleb Luna is an artist, public scholar and theorist of the body. They are an award-winning educator and scholar, the bestselling author of REVENGE BODY (Nomadic Press, 2022; Black Lawrence Press, 2023), and co-host of the podcast Unsolicited: Fatties Talk Back. Publishing, performing and curating across genre and medium, Caleb’s cultural work examines race, size, sexuality and disability in media and culture. Ultimately, they are interested in engaging embodied difference as a generative resource toward fatter understandings of collective freedom. Caleb holds a Ph.D. in Performance Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Gender and Women’s Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Luna is a former UC President’s and Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow. They are currently an Assistant Professor of Feminist Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. You can follow Caleb on Instagram and Twitter at @dr_chairbreaker, or get in touch with them at caleb-luna.com


Stacy Bias

Stacy Bias is a social justice activist, artist and writer with over 20 years’ experience. She is founder of TechnoDyke.com, a pioneering online community providing support and resources to queer women, trans and non-binary individuals, and Portland, Oregon’s FatGirl Speaks conferences and Chunky Dunk Fat Swims. Stacy is also creator of the 12 Good Fatty Archetypes, a webcomic that provides a framework for understanding different ways in which fat people sometimes seek inclusion in society in ways that are subtly counter-productive. Working with academics, researchers, charities, NGOs and other mission-based organisations, she loves combining research with illustration and animation to create humanising narratives that amplify marginalised voices. In 2016, Stacy released the research-led Flying While Fat documentary animation, which highlights the challenges that fat people face when traveling by air. She also works frequently with academics in Health Communications, co-creating sensitive and effective educational resources for both practitioners and the communities they serve. Her practice is collaborative and guided by the principles of intersectional feminism. Stacy’s favourite projects target empathy and the places where it’s absent, asking questions about social legitimacy, barriers to access (both physically and socially) and the psychic and material impacts of exclusion. She currently lives in Glasgow, Scotland.

Website: https://stacybias.net

Portfolio: https://yourstory.studio

Instagram: https://instagram.com/_stacybias

Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/stacybias

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stacybias